There is nothing like a beautiful Maritime weekend to recharge your batteries. I spent the better part of Saturday and Sunday outside,...
Food is life
There is nothing like a beautiful Maritime weekend to recharge your batteries. I spent the better part of Saturday and Sunday outside,...
One of the things that I miss the most about Montreal is its culinary diversity. Anywhere you go, you are bound to find a cultural pocket...
P/C: A This morning, my ears were cold during my run. Not just a little chilly, the way they are on a rainy July morning, but actually...
Have I ever mentioned that I love ginger? M knows this well; I steal his pickled ginger whenever we go out for sushi (though he does...
6 weeks into our big East Coast move, M and I have taken the next step in co-habitation: hosting dinner parties. This is a completely...
Ladies and gentlemen, I am now the proud owner of a KitchenAid stand mixer. And not just any stand mixer; a professional-grade beauty...
Tomorrow, M and I are entertaining out first guests. It’s nothing, really – just a couple of friends coming by for a drink on a weeknight...
Watermelon salad has a habit of creeping into more than 50% of our summertime meals. But, really, why shouldn’t it? Watermelon salad is...
After months of planning, city hopping, countless flights and significant stress, we are finally, permanently, in Halifax. The apartment...
After moving halfway around the country, travelling halfway around the world and graduating in my 18th year of school, the Hungry Squid...
Sometimes, all you need is something simple, wholesome and flavorful to round out a frenzied weekend of cupcake baking and event...
In continuing with the theme of stuffed foods, M and I tried out a new recipe last night for stuffed sweet red peppers. Peppers are not...
Photo credit: M Giant shells are a largely ignored, but extremely delicious, member of the pasta family. They are a quick, versatile base...
Food tip # 238(a): Always buy the right type of beans. Food tip # 238(b): Make sure beans are not rock-hard before adding them in copious...
I learned two things today. 1) That it is possible - and surprisingly easy - to invent a quick bread recipe 2) That it is difficult -...
There are four problems with baking for one. 1) recipes for baked goods are often difficult to halve. This leads you to 2) make way too...
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a huge salad fan. Don’t get me wrong – I don’t dislike them, but there is just something about...
When M and I met up in Halifax, we thought that it would be a quick 2-day jaunt; after all, we’re both busy people, with work always...
It’s official: both Punxutawney Phil and Wiarton Willie have declared there that we will have an early spring. So long, snow! See ya...
After a week of bitter wind and bone-freezing chills, Montreal is finally starting to warm up again. I saw the first signs of life on my...
Food is life